Thursday, June 23, 2011

would it be so bad?

Wait a minute…
You're thinking way too much.
Let me help you out.
Is he of legal age?
Did you ever have to change his diapers?
Were you ever his teacher?
Was he born by the time you were ten?
Alright then, looks like you’re good to go.
What? I don’t see anything wrong.
So what if he’s younger?
Give him a break.
He may just surprise you.
You never know.


Rosyoshit said...

Is that what you tell yourself when drooling over them kpop videos?!

Ssangchudream said...

BOO! First commenter totally beat me to the bunch of what I wanted to say!

meme said...

To both Rosy's....I have no shame when it comes to k-pop boys, I see nothing wrong with that. Nada, nothing, nothing wrong at all!!!