Monday, June 11, 2012

au revoir.

Teanuh's moving at the end of the month.
Though she spent most of her college years away from home,
my younger sister was always just a driving distance away.
But this time, she's moving to Colorado.
And kinda far from Texas.
And if I have to be honest, I'm actually going to miss her....
Not enough to drive there but enough to be kinda, sorta sad.
You see, growing up, she was always a thorn on my side.
There were plenty of times where I wanted to 
punch her in the throat and kick her in the face.
Her smart ass quips would drive me insane but as we grew older, 
I begin to appreciate her well timed sarcasm and snark.
She wasn't intentionally rude, she was just born that way.

Teanuh, I've always felt that you grew up too fast.
While everyone else was partying, 
you graduated early and started working far too hard.
As your older sister, I've always felt inadequate
 because no matter how difficult things got for you, 
you've remained independent and strong, 
because that's who you are...or at least who you try to be.
I know you've been counting the days til you leave
but I've actually been dreading the day you drive away.
I don't ever really say it....
but thanks for being just the way you are.


lizzy said...

OK. That made me tear up. Only because I know what a cold hearted bitch you try to pretend to be.

Zuwin said...

Where is the real Meme and what have you done with her?!?!? :P

Seriously - it's nice to see this side of you that you rarely show. Even though anyone who really knows you, knows you are a real softie at heart :)

Thanks for opening up!

carter said...

@zuwin-you should see her on the last days of school. She hides in her room so she wouldn't have to say goodbye to her students because even though she denies it, she cries when it's time to see them go. She is not tough at all.

annie said...

really meme? you also got me teary eyed, you bitch. but im gonna miss teanuh tooo! can you kidnap her, tie her up and keep her in the guest bedroom? :)

teanuh said...

since we are in the business of being cheesy i just wanted to say thanks. For everything. Growing up whether we got along or not I've always wanted to be just like you. Tough and strong and always fun to be around. I somehow took that and turned it into snarky and sarcastic with well timed wit. But if you are proud of me the way that i am that i can go to Colorado confident in myself. You have always been there for me and I know that you always will be. I am truly lucky to have you as my sister...and don't tell him i said so but u picked me out a pretty awesome brother in law too. And although u dislike vacations just consider this a mini one from your annoying lil sister who can talk circles around u any day. I'll be back before you know it. I know u hate the dreaded "L" word so i wont say it, but know that i do.

P.s. I hope you haven't had lunch yet. I'd hate for you vomit what little amount u ate.

meme said...

geez, you guys make me sound like i don't have a heart.

jimmy said...

You have a heart? You're only nice to animals and old people.

@teanuh-did you get a lobotomy? That doesn't even remotely sound like you?

meme said...

jimmy-did you get a lobotomy? I'm surprised you even know what it means much less spelled it right!!!

Anonymous said...

whats a labotomy