Sunday, January 23, 2011

november's chopin

Yes. Jay Chou. Again.
I can't help it.
He plays five instruments,
writes his own songs,
directs his own videos,
and does his own stunts.
What more can one ask for?


GaGa said...

Yeah! Jay....For the Win!!
He play Magic too!

meme said...

You are right...he does magic tricks too!! Also, he plays basketball. Wait a there anything he doesn't do?

GaGa said...

And His song is used in the Text book in Taiwan for Secondary School student! That really one of a kind!

Did you heard? Secret 2 is in production and will be coming soon in 2011.

The only thing I can thing of that he can't do is Pregnant! (Not in Today's technology yet!)

Early Kung Hei Fat Choi to you and Tommy!

meme said...

Really? His song is used in text books? Ohh more greatness that I can throw in Tommy's face!!

Will he be in Secret 2? Will it be a continuation or just another one? Yay, now I'm excited!!

Early Chinese New Year to you too!!!

GaGa said...

I'm not sure the plot on Secret 2, but I heard it's about Magic, and most like Jay will be the director, script writer, and actor. Rumor is that Andy Lau will be in the movie as well.

Jay's song not only in the text, also is one of the question asked in the high level open exam (the one that everyone need to take in order to enter University)