Sunday, April 10, 2011

prescription card.

This prescription card is through a company called IAB,
it's free and does not require any membership.
It allows you to buy prescription drugs at a discounted price.
For those that don't have insurance,
it can save up to 10-30% off depending on the prescription.
I know somebody who works at IAB and
these cards were given to my students and their families.
A few of them are now in college and
do not have full time jobs that provide benefits.
So, they find this card extremely helpful. 
Every penny counts.
You too can use the above card.
You don't need to have a hard copy just the bin#.
If you want the card however, 
you can email me and I'll send you a card.


Anonymous said...

what is your email address again?

Anonymous said...

You need the group # too!!

meme said...

I'm sorry. It's

Anonymous said...

On a similar note, Meme knows a pharmacist who is looking for a job in the DFW area. This particular pharmacist has 3 years of retail experience and a PharmD. Please refer any inquiries to Meme's email.

IAB said...

on a similar note also, is this pharmacist passing/using my cards?