Sunday, April 10, 2011

watch it unfold.

Let the book tell you it's story.


Ssangchudream said...

I was back reading your blog and I wish I didn't. You like Twilight??!! My face was like this DDDD:

I think I have to seriously contemplate our internet-ship now. HOW? WHY? I.don't.even...Twilight? Sparkly vampire who stalked and creeped into a girl's bedroom at nite to watch she sleep from the corner?!

priscilla said...

Hehehe. She didn't want to read it for the longest time but we talked her into it. She hates bella and wants to rip her to teeny tiny shreads for being so weak but she loves her some EDWARD. She has to finish everything she starts. She complained but she ended up liking it. Right, ms?

meme said...

Her writing is pretty crappy..and the sparkly vampires were a ridiculous spin on an old legend but I'm not going to lie..i love me a sullen, self sacrificing lead. I wanted to kill bella and slap jacob...but edward. sigh. I also like Rosalie's character. She's kinda bitchy but totally misunderstood.