Thursday, June 16, 2011


5 AM
Bright-eyed, bushy tailed, and
ready for the parade!!
 Outside the arena showing our devotion!!
View from inside American Airlines
What a crowd indeed!!!
Even in the sweltering heat, 
Mavs fan lined the streets of Dallas.
Thanks to Daniel's VIP passes, 
we didn't have to suffer in the heat too long!
What husband??
You want new artwork for your game room?
After almost 10 hrs,
Memedo is still ready to go =P

Those that are not die hard fans of a sport,
probably won't understand the point of all this ruckus.
But for the City of Dallas, they've been waiting 31 years for this win!!
My wait wasn't nearly as long or as extensive as some,
but with almost half my life spent watching
this team struggle, grow and finally win...
well..that's worth a little celebration, don't you think?


Brother said...

"The only way the heat was able to slow down the Dallas Mavericks yesterday was through heat exhuastion."....hahahahaha you get it!?! TAKE DAT WITH CHEWWWW...your mans a terrible singer.

cowboygirl said...

He is bad.....BUT, he doesn't mind having a little fun. I would never sing out like that but he would because he really is a fun-loving guy that most people don't recognize.

cowboygirl said...

OH and YES, it does deserve a celebration, and we were there to join in

Ssangchudream said...

You will be judging me for this comment since it doesn't pertain to your ONE TRUE LOVE (that is not Tommy and various Korean boys. hurhur) but since the last basketball game that I truly watched and got excited about was when the Bulls went against the Utah Jazz, I'm just gonna comment on your hair. Which is how do you manage to have it look good still after that long? My hair looks good for about 5 mins after I leave the house. *sob*

meme said...

@brother-geeez you are so lame yo.

@cowboygirl-i love it. i love him and he can sing all he wants because he is a champion!! woot-woot!!! So glad we were there!!!

@ssangchudream-why thank you...when you've dyed your hair for the last 15 years, it's dead and will pretty much do whatever you want it to do. It's the healthy virgin hair that normally doesn't obey. I'm taking that you have pretty healthy hair.