Sunday, July 31, 2011

really tommy?

Tommy: the popcorn is super buttery today, so good!!
Me: dude...what popcorn..all I see is butter.
Tommy: where's my 3D glasses?
Me: in my purse.
Tommy: give it to me.
Me: nope, get it yourself, you put it in there, you get it out.
Besides I'm busy eating butter.
Tommy: your purse is a black hole. 
I hate 3D movies, these glasses are so annoying.
Me: you found em? we came late, 
this is the only showing they had for Captain America.
Tommy: Sigh...
Me: Quit your crying.
Tommy: Dammit these glasses are cheapo reapo...I can't see jack.
Me: shut up..the movies about to start.
Tommy: God these glasses suck (10 minutes later)
Me: OMG, maybe they suck because you have your sunglasses on IDIOT.
Tommy: WTH?
*true story


t said...

it was dark and your purse was a black hole!! it could happen to anyone.

GaGa said...

wahahaha, this could only happen to the spoiling husband with a nice wife who kept everything for him.

meme said...

t & GaGa-it's tommy. anything can happen when it comes to him.