Monday, August 22, 2011

Van's Last Stand!!!

Before the party started....
After a few drinks...
The best cousins ever!!! 
Thanks for driving seven hours to party with the crew.
Yes, that's right...THE CITY HUNTER was at the party!!
Don't you wish you were there!
Gasp...Vivian did not just kiss HIM!!
 Rosie & The Bachelorette!!
Thuy & Mai...thanks for all your help!!'s gotta be a pretty big occasion to see Thuy.
She's like a unicorn...
you hear about em...but you don't really see them.
Then there were the games.....

And all that was before 9:00...
I'm afraid I'm still recovering.
You know you're old when you leave the clubs at 1:00.....
and you still have trouble moving the next day!!!
Congrats again Van!!

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