Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I like being alone, not all the time of course.
But I do like moments saved especially for me.
Time to read. Time to think. Time to truly see. 
Don't get me wrong, I love being married
but I'm also not afraid to be alone....with just me.


phong said...

I almost forgot how much you love the aquarium.

jimmy said...

and the penguins, the turtles and jellyfishes.

Anonymous said...

@phong-are you the Phong that use to date Meme? If so, you still single because you were pretty hot stuff.

rosyoshit said...

what?! this is the same person who made me and cuong go all the way to your apartment to eat grill cheese sandwhich and hang out with you so you would not be alone...

Anonymous said...

That explains why you're never with him.