Wednesday, June 27, 2012


The ROCKSTAR is finally getting hitched!!
Yay for the lovely couple.
Hope you guys are ready to get throwed!!
Geez, I'm telling you....
Everybody's popping em' out left and right!
Super excited for Burritto & Van!!
The sister is all growed' up!!
Spelling her name correctly and everything.
Teanuh, hope your new career change 
works out well for you ;)
Those of you in Denver...come visit the sis!!!
She finally looks pregnant ;)
Happy Belated Birthday Buddy!!
Can't wait to meet Baby Elliot!
Hope she looks like her mommy ;)
Dinner & Desserts..compliments of Chef Yen!!
Congrats on getting a fabulous new place of your own!!

Hey everyone...thanks for all the concerned emails.
I'm actually doing quite well...just a little busy!
Sorry, I haven't been able to update more often but
thank you for checking up on me and the site anyway!!!!!!
Hoping all is well........


parker said...

Jane was suffering from iammeme withdrawals. Had to remind her that people have lives to live. With that being said, glad to see you back. Btw, Jane keeps running her mouth about time travel and a certain scholar, do I have you to thank for that too?

Faye said...

Such a treat!! I don't know about anybody else but I love love love your site!!!!

Jimmy said...

Let's not give her a big head. She might think she's important.

Eh, let me know if you change your mind punk!!!!

vo said...

thought i wouldn't see this post eh? :) although, i do hope she looks like her mommy too lol