Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Am I the only one who finds this problematic???

Does anyone else find it disturbing that the male gender is getting prettier by the day???

To look at a picture and have to ponder if the subject is male or female, well, that kinda bites. For me, it does.

While they are lovely to watch on screen, their existance really makes it difficult for us females. Really. It's already hard competing against your own gender, now we have to compete against the boys too? Stop it.

Btw, as much as I'm complaining...I do really enjoy to look at their lovely faces, especially the cast of You're Beautiful, you really are beautiful.


teresa said...

You're definately right. Those korean boys are too pretty. I don't even like Heechul but he is very pretty for sure.

Chelsea said...

I concur. That cast is truly beautiful. I wait for it every week.