Sunday, April 24, 2011


Guess who's coming to town.? NKOTB. You know it.
Don't pretend you didn't have posters of them all tacked up on your wall.
Don't lie, you know you owned a gazillion t-shirts with their faces plastered all over it.
Oh, you mean it was just me?? Sigh. Ha, this really shows how old I am.
Anyone up for some good old boy band fun???


lizzie said...

Looks like you did have a blast. Sorry about the mavericks. Looks like you are right, everytime I watch them they lose. I'm going to not watch the next two games. I like having you around. Good luck with the TAKS test.

ze said...

hi meme...... my sisters and i were their biggest fans in Malaysia. i was only 10 then... how the time flies......don't worry, you are not the only one who were crazy about them....:P

Ssangchudream said...

They're a little bit before my time but man, when I was old enough to be perving, I totally fangirled their stuffs ;)

meme said...

elizabeth-do not even turn the tv on those days, you hear me??? TAKS test is this Thursday and Friday, cross your fingers for me =p

Ze-Hahaha. Good times, good times. You were 10? I think I was maybe about the same age or maybe older..12, 13..ok maybe even 14 =p It's crazy...I use to wake up early on Saturdays just to watch their CARTOON. Thank you for making me feel I can say...see NKOTB even had fans in MALAYSIA!!

Ssangchudream-perving? ha, I learned a new word today. I shall have to use that sometime =p

Brother said...

you should of posted the home video of you dancing to hanging tough instead.

meme said...

No, you didn't go there....don't make me bust out with your elementary school pictures!!

Brother said...

in tina's worlds i was a lil kid so it was excusable you on the other hand not so much hahahahaha

mai said...

so are we going to the concert or what? let's make it happen! :) btw, joey mcintyre's mine. :D