Wednesday, November 18, 2009

yea, no.

Yes, I'll admit it. I enjoyed the Twilight series. I could even say I'm a big fan. What's not to like?

Come on. It's Edward freaking Cullen. If you've read the book, you'll know what I mean, and if you haven't, go read it.

It's no Pride and Prejudice, let me tell you, but it does have it's entertainment value. The two male leads are so imperfect, they're perfect. Also, there's Bella. Bella. Bella. Bella. Let's just'll feel so much better about yourself after you've read this series. If a clumsy, fickle, and naive chit like her can land herself two hotties...(even if one is a vampire and the other is a werewolve) you still have hope.

So, am I looking forward to the movie? Not so much. The first one almost made me throw up in my mouth twice, well, maybe thrice. Took me almost a year to recover...just in time for the second installment.

Will I go see New Moon on opening week, probably not. I wish not to be trampled by hordes of teenage girls screaming their undying love for Edward or Jacob...or both.

So friends, no I will not go watch the midnight showing with you. Thanks but I pass.


Anonymous said...

But y not? It's about spending time with us!

peter said...

crazy ass shit. getting tired of edward and jacob. wake up. they are fake!