Wednesday, February 10, 2010

one day...really.

I admit it.
I am normally very
envious of the male gender.
As a matter of fact,
I experience penis envy quite frequently,
for if I had one,
my life would be so much easier.

However, there is one day
of the year where I'm
perfectly content being a
female and that is Valentine's Day.
Not that I celebrate it
because I don't.

However, I would be lying
if I said I didn't enjoy
that very special day.
Oh, because I do love it,
not for the gifts though,
but for the pure entertainment value.

It brings me great joy
to see my male counterparts
strickened in their pathetic
attempt to purchase the
perfect gift at the last minute.
I even chuckle at them when
they ask for my help.
And sometimes, just sometimes,
I laugh mercifully
(behind their backs of course)
at their predicament.

Because even though my man
is far from perfect,
he treats me well enough
that on the 14th of every February,
I don't depend on flowers, chocolates,
or jewelry to feel special.
I, personally,
find it insulting
to have to wait for one day
out of the year
to be treated well.

So, gentlemen treat your ladies good everyday
and maybe you won't be so frazzled
every February.
And you too ladies,
find a good guy...
then those material things
won't really matter...
Both parties are happier that way!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you! From a man's view!